
   inputColumn as String,
   valueColumn as String,
   [ordinalColumn as String?]
) as ModifyPlan


This function flattens an array value into multiple rows.Then performs a prototype.joinInner on the rest of the rows.

inputColumn The input column, which contains an array, to flatten into rows. This can be a string of the column name or an op.col. Use op.viewCol or op.schemaCol if you need to identify columns in the two views that have the same column name.
valueColumn The output column which contains the flattened array values. This can be a string of the column name or an op.col. Use op.viewCol or op.schemaCol as needed.
ordinalColumn The ordinalColumn is optional. If specified, an additional column will be added to the rows of flattened array values, starting from 1. This can be a string of the column name or an op.col. Use op.viewCol or op.schemaCol as needed.

Usage Notes

unnestInner is a method of the following classes:


const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic');
const rows =
    {rowId: 1, desc: ['ball', 'box']},
    {rowId: 2, desc: 'square'},
    {rowId: 3, desc: null}
const outputCols   = [
      {"column":"rowId",   "type":"integer"},
      {"column":"desc",    "type":"none", "nullable":true}
op.fromParam('rows', "", outputCols)
  .orderBy(['rowId', 'ordinality'])
  .result('object', {"rows":rows});

/* This returns
[{"rowId":1, "desc":["ball", "box"], "descUnnest":"ball", "ordinality":1},
{"rowId":1, "desc":["ball", "box"], "descUnnest":"box", "ordinality":2},
{"rowId":2, "desc":"square", "descUnnest":"square", "ordinality":1}]



// Insert a template
const tde = require("/MarkLogic/tde.xqy");
const template = xdmp.toJSON(
tde.templateInsert('/optic/unnest/unnestTemplate.json', template)

//insert a document
let doc =  {office:[
            {department:"Engineering", teamMembers: 'Bob,Alice'},
            {department:"Sales", teamMembers:'Robert,Cindy'},
            {department:"Marketing", teamMembers:""},
            {department:"CEO-Office", teamMembers:null}
 xdmp.documentInsert('/optic/unnest/doc1.json', doc)

 //perform a unnestInner
const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic');
   .bind(['teamMemberSequence', op.fn.tokenize(op.col('teamMembers'),','))
   .unnestInner('teamMemberSequence','teamMember', 'ordinality')
   .orderBy(['department', 'ordinality'])

/* This returns
[{"unnestSchema.unnestView.department":"Engineering", "teamMemberSequence":["Bob", "Alice"], "unnestSchema.unnestView.teamMembers":"Bob,Alice", "teamMember":"Bob", "ordinality":1},
{"unnestSchema.unnestView.department":"Engineering", "teamMemberSequence":["Bob", "Alice"], "unnestSchema.unnestView.teamMembers":"Bob,Alice", "teamMember":"Alice", "ordinality":2},
{"unnestSchema.unnestView.department":"Sales", "teamMemberSequence":["Robert", "Cindy"], "unnestSchema.unnestView.teamMembers":"Robert,Cindy", "teamMember":"Robert", "ordinality":1},
{"unnestSchema.unnestView.department":"Sales", "teamMemberSequence":["Robert", "Cindy"], "unnestSchema.unnestView.teamMembers":"Robert,Cindy", "teamMember":"Cindy", "ordinality":2}]

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